ROUTE FINDER GPS NAVIGATION helps you to find distance and traveling time between two locations with shortest and easiest route finder around the world and also enables you to search NEARBY PLACES.
The driving route between those two locations will be found and shown on the map.
you can also view your traveling speed and travel distance on Screen.
through route finder gps navigation you can select any travel mode just like Driving, Waliking or Bicycling. it is best and fast route finder to find nearby places.
route finder gps navigation also help you to find your current location.
* LOCATION FINDER option help you to find the shortest Route between to locations.
* PLACES option help you to find locality like atm,school,hospital etc.
* CURRENT LOCATION option help you to find your current location.
Find Shortest and easiest Driving route.
Find all nearby places like( ATM, School, Hospital,University) and many more.
Find Your Current Location.
Note: Its a free app supported by Ads.